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Liquor - Risk Assessment Management Plan (RAMP) - New Application
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Access Canberra
GPO Box 158
Canberra ACT 2601
Phone: (02) 6207 3000
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Access Canberra
GPO Box 158
Canberra ACT 2601
Phone: (02) 6207 3000

Risk Assessment Management Plan (RAMP) - New Application

Liquor Act 2010
Fields marked with * are required
Application type
Options for transfer of RAMP for premises
Business to be operated under the permit *
Risk profile

Particulars of licence/permit

To continue the form you will need to enter your licence number above and click 'lookup'.

Details of person completing RAMP

Premises information

Liquor - Risk Assessment Management Plan (RAMP) - New Application
Fields marked with * are required
The licenced or permitted times proposed for the premises to supply liquor to the public: *
7am to
Days and times proposed for the premises to be open to the public: *
Days and times that liquor is proposed to be sold and that the premises will be open to the public: *

Premises safety

Liquor - Risk Assessment Management Plan (RAMP) - New Application
Fields marked with * are required

Compliance with the occupancy loading

The number of people in each public area at the premises will be counted, monitored and managed in the following manner: *

Evacuation plan

An Emergency evacuation plan must be in place to ensure that people in each public area at the premises can be evacuated safely. *
Attach emergency evacuation plan
The following staff members at the premises are trained to implement the emergency evacuation procedures: *

Emergency exits

The emergency exits of the premises must remain unimpeded at all times. This will be ensured by: *

General and fire safety

The following general and fire safety procedures are in place for the premises: *

Premises lighting

Taking into consideration employee and patron safety during opening hours, the premises will be lit by: *

Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA)

Liquor - Risk Assessment Management Plan (RAMP) - New Application
Fields marked with * are required

The kinds of liquor to be supplied at the premises

Responsible service of liquor

The licensee/permit holder will ensure responsible service of liquor at the premises by: *

Adults only areas

Has the Commissioner determined any adults-only areas for the premises? *
Children and young people are not to be within a designated adults-only area except in accordance with the Liquor Act 2010.
This will be ensured by:
If children and/or young people are identified in a designated adults-only area in contravention of the Liquor Act 2010 they will be dealt with and removed from the adults-only areas in the following manner: *

Water availability

Note: Drinking water must not be provided from a bathroom facility.

Food Availability

Attach menu
Outside of normal meal hours, will food be available for purchase in sufficient quantity and quality to meet demand?
In the form of:
To provide food at the premises, you must obtain an ACT Food Business Registration.
Please visit the ACT Health website or contact ACT Health - Health Protection Service on (02) 6205 1700 for further information.
You may require an ACT Food Business Registration to provide food at the premises.
Please contact ACT Health - Health Protection Service on (02) 6205 1700 to discuss your requirements.


Intoxicated people at the premises will be identified by: *
Intoxicated people at the premises will be dealt with in the following ways: *

Disorderly behaviour

Disorderly people at the premises will be identified by;
Disorderly people at the premises will be dealt with in the following ways: *

Security & surveillance

Liquor - Risk Assessment Management Plan (RAMP) - New Application
Fields marked with * are required


Will crowd controllers be employed to work at the premises performing security activities? *
Maximum number of crowd controllers that will be employed at the premises at any one time? *
Their responsibilities will be: *
Times when crowd controllers are employed at the premises:
Procedure for ensuring crowd controllers are licensed:
Does the licensee/permit holder hold a Security master licence? *


Will electronic video surveillance equipment (CCTV) or other monitoring devices be used at the premises? *
Number of CCTV cameras installed at the premises: *
Records will be stored for a minimum of 30 days *
These records can be accessed by: *
These records will be stored and made available to the Commissioner, Investigators or Police in the following manner: *

Community impact

Liquor - Risk Assessment Management Plan (RAMP) - New Application
Fields marked with * are required

Public transport

Public transport is available near the premises in the form of: *
Will the licensee/permit holder (or staff) make a phone available for patrons to arrange transport if required? *

Noise produced by the premises

Will there be amplified entertainment provided at the premises? *
The licensee/permit holder will mitigate the noise from the premises in line with the noise standards identified in the Environment Protection Regulation 2005, by doing the following: *
Awareness of the acceptable decibel levels for the premises: *

Impact of the premises on the amenity of the surrounding areas

Are there any places of worship, schools, residential areas or hospitals nearby? *
The impact of the premises on the amenity of the surrounding areas will be mitigated by doing the following: *

Other procedures, practices and arrangements

Liquor - Risk Assessment Management Plan (RAMP) - New Application
Fields marked with * are required

Liquor accords

Is the licensee/permit holder a party to any liquor accords? *

Additional information

The supply of liquor; *
Is there any other relevant information for staff and crowd controllers in relation to other identified risks, and the procedures, practices and arrangements at the premises, to ensure harm is minimised and that community safety is maintained? *


Liquor - Risk Assessment Management Plan (RAMP) - New Application
Fields marked with * are required
Payment method: *
Please note: you will be able to download a PDF receipt of your application form following submission. You will be required to print this PDF document and submit using one of the following methods;

In person:

Access Canberra Community, Business, Transport and Regulation Shopfront - 255 Canberra Avenue Fyshwick ACT - by cash, cheque, money order, credit or debit card, (preferred);Access Canberra Gungahlin Service Centre - Winyu House, 125 Gungahlin Place, Gungahlin ACT - by credit or debit card only; or,Access Canberra Tuggeranong Service Centre - Homeworld Shopping Centre, Scollay Street, Tuggeranong ACT - by cash, cheque, money order, credit or debit card.
If paying by cheque, you may post your application with payment to:

Access Canberra - Liquor
GPO Box 158, Canbera ACT 2601.
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