Reference Code:
For enquiries relating to your Payroll Tax Return please contact ACT Revenue Office on (02) 6207 0028 or via the online feedback form.
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Payroll Tax Return
Thank you, your submission has been received.

If you need to make a correction to a previously submitted return, please contact the ACT Revenue Office on 02 6207 0028

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Please quote your reference code when enquiring about your submission.

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Payroll Tax Return
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Payroll Tax Return - form confirmation and request for payment
Your form has been successfully submitted and the confirmation details are as follows:
Payment of the amount payable can be made by either BPAY or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) as follows:
Pay by BPAY:
Pay by EFT to ACT Government nominated account via Off System BSB:
To save a copy of the completed form and receipt, from the File menu select "Save a copy". To print a copy use the Print icon.
ACT Revenue Office
ABN 45 096 207 205
PO Box 252
Civic Square ACT 2608
Phone: 13 22 81
Payroll Tax Return - submission confirmation
Your submission has been successful. Please keep a copy of this receipt for your records.
To save a copy of the completed form and receipt, from the File menu select "Save a copy". To print a copy use the Print icon.
ACT Revenue Office
ABN 45 096 207 205
PO Box 252
Civic Square ACT 2608
Telephone: 13 22 81

Return type

Payroll Tax Return
Fields marked with * are required

Taxpayer details

Payroll Tax Return
Fields marked with * are required
You are required to lodge your payroll tax return via the Self Service Portal.
Return (and tax, if applicable) is due by 28 July.
Current employer status (Please refer to the correspondence from the ACT Revenue Office regarding your employer status. If you are unsure, please contact us on 02 6207 0028) *

ACT wages paid or payable

Payroll Tax Return
Fields marked with * are required
Based on your selected employer status, record all your taxable ACT wages for the selected month:
Based on your selected employer status, record all your taxable ACT wages for the entire 12 months in the selected financial year:
From 1 July 2008 only one member of a Group (known as the Designated Group Employer) is able to claim the tax-free threshold. For further information including joint return lodgments please visit the ACT Revenue Office website.
Are you claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold? *

Monthly return

Payroll Tax Return
Fields marked with * are required
Return details for an independent employer (non-group member) claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected month:
Return details for a DGE of a group not claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected month:
Return details for a DGE of a group, lodging a joint return for itself and other ACT group members and not claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected month:
Return details for a member of a group not entitled to claim the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected month:

Monthly return

Payroll Tax Return
Fields marked with * are required
Return details for an independent employer (non-group member) claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected month:
Return details for a DGE of a group claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected month:
Return details for a DGE of a group, lodging a joint return for itself and other ACT group members and claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected month:

Annual reconciliation return

Payroll Tax Return
Fields marked with * are required
Return details for an independent employer not claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected financial year:
Return details for a DGE of a group not claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected financial year:
Return details for a DGE of a group providing a joint return for itself and other ACT group members and not claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected financial year:
Return details for a member of a group not entitled to claim the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected financial year:

Annual reconciliation return

Payroll Tax Return
Fields marked with * are required
Return details for an independent employer claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected financial year:
Return details for a DGE of a group claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected financial year:
Return details for a DGE of a group lodging a joint return for itself and other ACT group members and claiming the ACT proportion of the threshold for the selected financial year:
Note: 366 days in


Payroll Tax Return
Fields marked with * are required
warrant my authority to make this declaration and declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any calculation made as a result of the numbers I enter or any confirmation/invoice displayed as a result of completing this form does not constitute an assessment. I acknowledge that under section 338 of the Criminal Code 2002, giving false or misleading information is a serious offence. I will notify the ACT Revenue Office in writing and provide full details if there is a change in my circumstances during the financial year. This includes change of contact or address details, cessation of trading in the ACT or change in group structure. Notify us of a change in your circumstances using the Payroll Tax Registration: Notification form.

Confirm lodgement details

Payroll Tax Return
Fields marked with * are required
Before you can submit this return you must confirm that the key particulars for this return are correct. If not, please review the form and make the necessary changes.
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